I develop evidence-informed physical therapy management programs in collaboration with clients/patients, directed at modifying pain and encouraging helpful behaviors, promoting tissue healing, preventing the transition from acute to chronic pain, improving function, reducing disability, and facilitating recovery.
- I can describe and select physiotherapy interventions that influence physiological processes that may influence pain and disability
- I can describe and select physiotherapy interventions that influence psychological processes that may influence pain and disability (acknowledging scope of practice limitations).
- I can describe and select physiotherapy interventions that influence social processes that may influence pain and disability (acknowledging scope of practice limitations).
Pain: A Textbook for Health Professionals by van Griensven, Strong, Unruh
Mechanisms and Management of Pain for the Physical Therapist by Sluka
Arthritis: How to Stay Active and Relieve your Pain by Stokes and Helewa
Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists. by Van Griensven
ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription
Sleep Health Matters by Andrew Koppejan
ACT Made Simple: An Easy-to-Read Primer on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy by Russ Harris
Psychologically Informed Interventions for Low Back Pain: An Update for Physical Therapists. Nicholas MK, George SZ.
A randomized controlled trial of intensive neurophysiology education in chronic low back pain. Moseley GL, Nicholas MK, Hodges PW.
Effect of motor control exercises versus graded activity in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Macedo LG, Latimer J, Maher CG, Hodges PW, McAuley JH, Nicholas MK, et al.
Achilles and patellar tendinopathy loading programs : a systematic review comparing clinical outcomes and identifying potential mechanisms for effectiveness. Malliaras P, Barton CJ, Reeves ND, Langberg H.
Reconceptualising manual therapy skills in contemporary practice. Rabey M, Hall T, Hebron C, Palsson TS, Christensen SW, Moloney N.
Preoperative Pain Neuroscience Education for Lumbar Radiculopathy: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial With 1-Year Follow-up. Louw A, Diener I, Landers MR, Puentedura EJ.
Mechanism-specific rehabilitation management of complex regional pain syndrome: Proposed recommendations from evidence synthesis. Packham T, Holly J.
Introducing acceptance and commitment therapy to a physiotherapy-led pain rehabilitation programme: An action research study. Barker KL, Heelas L, Toye F.
Cognitive Functional Therapy: An Integrated Behavioral Approach for the Targeted Management of Disabling Low Back Pain. O’Sullivan PB, Caneiro JP, O’Keeffe M, Smith A, Dankaerts W, Fersum K, et al.
It’s time for change with the management of non-specific chronic low back pain. O’Sullivan P.
Reconciling Biomechanics with Pain Science by Greg Lehman
Assess, Predict, Treat; Comprehensive Pain Assessment for Clinicians by James Elliot and Dave Walton
Pelvic Health Solutions Level III: Clinical Skills for Treating Pain (see calendar for next upcoming course)
A Site-Tailored Course on Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) by Janet Holly
Pelvic Health Solutions Course List
It’s not about the wand… it’s about all the other marvelous things you do to heal pelvic pain (blog and 25 min vlog)
Yoga as a vehicle for pain science education – free 1-hr introductory lecture by Neil Pearson
APTEI: Applying Neuroplasticity Concepts into PT Practice by Bahram Jam
Reducing Catastrophizing to Prevent and Treat Chronic Pain – free webinar by Beth Darnall
Pain and Therapeutic Movement: Is a Paradigm Shift Required? – free webinar by Neil Pearson
Chronic Pain Self-Management Support with Pain Science Education and Exercise – free webinar by Jordan Miller
The Physio Matters Podcast – Session 9: Psychological interventions in Physiotherapy with Dr. Richard Bennett and The Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP)
What does using a biopsychosocial framework mean in practice? – a blog post by Bronnie Lennox-Thompson
What do we do with those questionnaires? – a blog post contemplating how the Pain Catastrophizing Scale could be used to inform clinical management, by Bronnie Lennox-Thompson
How “social” is your biopsychosocial model? – a blog post by Bronnie Lennox-Thompson
CRPS: What to do about it? A guest post from Janet Holly
It’s not about the wand… it’s about all the other marvelous things you do to heal pelvic pain
Recovery Strategies Pain Guidebook by Greg Lehman
Recovery Strategies Pain Guidebook (French translation) by Greg Lehman
Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association’s Chronic Pain Management Toolkit
This list is meant to provide you with some options. It is not meant to be fully comprehensive, nor should you feel like you need to access everything. Explore what works for your learning style and context