The Professional Development Tool

Brought to you by the CPA Pain Science Division

Outcome 3

I promote health and well-being through the prevention of unnecessary pain and disability, as well as through reducing the impact of pain and disability.

  1. I empower people with pain and encourage self-management
  2. I can describe principles of chronic disease self-management and implement them in practice
  3. can describe behaviour change theories (e.g. transtheoretical model, social cognitive theory) and practice their applications to patient/client empowerment and self-management support
  4. I recognize and address barriers and facilitators of effective self-management
  5. I recognize and address factors that can reduce injury risk
  6. I can describe and apply health promotion approaches, as articulated in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion: reorienting health services, enhancing personal skills, strengthening community action, creating supportive environments, and building healthy public policy
Journal Articles
Videos & Webinars

The Physio Matters Podcast – Session 9: Psychological Interventions in Physiotherapy with Dr. Richard Bennett and The Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP)

Online Publications


This list is meant to provide you with some options. It is not meant to be fully comprehensive, nor should you feel like you need to access everything. Explore what works for your learning style and context