The Professional Development Tool

Brought to you by the CPA Pain Science Division

Outcome 6

I can identify and describe how cultural, institutional, societal, system, provider, familial, and patient factors can facilitate or interfere with effective pain assessment and management.

Want some more help with this learning outcome? Here are some sample resources to get you started.

Sub – Outcomes
  1. I can describe how my organizational, professional, and social culture influences my personal attitudes and beliefs, and how my beliefs may influence pain assessment and management
  2. I can explain how language used can influence the experience of pain and how past language experiences may factor into catastrophic thoughts/beliefs
  3. I can identify barriers to access to care in my practice context and community
  4. I can describe the concepts of privilege and oppression, and their relationship to health equity and how they influence effective pain assessment and management
  5. I can reflect on my social location (i.e. my positions of privilege and oppression) and how this could influence my practice
  6. I can describe the tenets of allyship*, and how they relate to my positions of privilege and oppression
  7. I use the principles of practicing allyship to inform my work and advocacy as it relates to effective pain assessment and management
  8. I strive to foster an environment of cultural safety in my practice setting

*allyship: building relationships based on trust, consistency, and accountability with marginalized individuals and/or groups of people (from


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Journal Articles
Videos & Webinars

BJSM Episode 409: When it comes to pain everything matters with Prof Lorimer Moseley

Online Publications


This list is meant to provide you with some options. It is not meant to be fully comprehensive, nor should you feel like you need to access everything. Explore what works for your learning style and context