I promote health and well-being through the prevention of unnecessary pain and disability, as well as through reducing the impact of pain and disability.
- I empower people with pain and encourage self-management
- I can describe principles of chronic disease self-management and implement them in practice
- can describe behaviour change theories (e.g. transtheoretical model, social cognitive theory) and practice their applications to patient/client empowerment and self-management support
- I recognize and address barriers and facilitators of effective self-management
- I recognize and address factors that can reduce injury risk
- I can describe and apply health promotion approaches, as articulated in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion: reorienting health services, enhancing personal skills, strengthening community action, creating supportive environments, and building healthy public policy
Health Behaviour Change: A Guide for Practitioners by Rollnick, Mason and Butler
Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behaviour by Rollnick, Miller, and Butler
Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by Heath and Heath
Effectiveness of workplace interventions in the prevention of upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders and symptoms: An update of the evidence. By Van Eerd D, Munhall C, Irvin E, et al.
Working with people to make changes. A behavioural change approach used in CLBP rehabilitation By Harman, K., Macrae, M., Vallis, M., & Bassett, R
The development and testing of a checklist to study behaviour change techniques used in a treatment programme for Canadian Armed Forces members with chronic non-specific low back pain. By Harman, K., MacRae, M., & Vallis, M
Improving the self-management of chronic pain: Coping with persistent Pain, Effectiveness Research in Self-management (COPERS) By Taylor SJC, Carnes D, Homer K, et al.
The efficacy of motivational interviewing in adults with chronic pain: A meta-analysis and systematic review. By Alperstein, D., & Sharpe, L.
Motivational interviewing to increase physical activity in people with chronic health conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. By O’Halloran, P. D., Blackstock, F., Shields, N., et al.
Barriers and facilitators to chronic pain self-management: A qualitative study of primary care patients with comorbid musculoskeletal pain and depression. By Bair, M. J., Matthias, M. S., Nyland, K. A., Huffman, et al.
Motivational Interviewing and Coaching Tools for Healthcare Professionals
CBT Skills of Distressing Physical Symptoms
Motivational Interviewing in Brief Consultations 1 hour learning module by BMJ Learning
Chronic Pain Self-Management Support with Pain Science Education and Exercise
Empowering Self Management of Pain 3 Part Webinar Series by Neil Pearson
The Physio Matters Podcast – Session 9: Psychological Interventions in Physiotherapy with Dr. Richard Bennett and The Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP)
There are many good reasons to screen your athletes
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
On the Value of Doing, Being, and Becoming by Bronnie Lennox-Thompson
“Some people are ready to change and others are not” – James Gordon by Bronnie Lennox-Thompson
This list is meant to provide you with some options. It is not meant to be fully comprehensive, nor should you feel like you need to access everything. Explore what works for your learning style and context