The Professional Development Tool

Brought to you by the CPA Pain Science Division


Want some help with your priority learning outcome(s)? Check out the sample resources on the following pages:

Learning Outcome #1: I can define terminology for describing pain and associated conditions.

Learning Outcome #2: I can describe the theories and science for understanding pain, one’s response to pain, and impact on one’s life.

Learning Outcome #3: I promote health and well-being through prevention of unnecessary pain and disability, as well as through reducing the impact of pain and disability.

Learning Outcome #4: I can describe, assess and/or measure the biological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to pain, physical dysfunction and disability using valid and reliable measurement tools.

Learning Outcome #5: I apply biopsychosocial reasoning to the person-centred comprehensive assessment of people with pain.

Learning Outcome #6: I can identify and describe how cultural, institutional, societal, system, provider, familial, and patient factors can facilitate or interfere with effective pain assessment and management.

Learning Outcome #7: I develop evidence-informed physical therapy management programs in collaboration with clients/patients, directed at modifying pain and encouraging helpful behaviors, promoting tissue healing, preventing the transition from acute to chronic pain, improving function, reducing disability, and facilitating recovery.

Learning Outcome #8: I implement management that includes client/patient education, active approaches such as functionally oriented behavioral-movement reeducation approaches and exercise (including pacing), passive approaches such as manual therapy (where indicated and avoiding erroneous and potentially catastrophic rationales such as “realignment,” “stabilizing,” “correcting”), and the application of electro-physical agents as indicated.

Learning Outcome #9: I am aware of my scope of practice with evaluating and managing clients/patients experiencing pain using evidenced-informed treatment and management.

Learning Outcome #10: I can describe the merits of, and strive to participate in, inter-professional collaboration in a client/patient-centred framework.

Learning Outcome #11: I recognize individuals who are at risk for under-treatment of their pain or populations where care disparities exist.

Please note that this self-directed learning guide is meant to be implemented over years and the lists of resources provided are meant to provide you with some options. These lists are not meant to be fully comprehensive, nor should you feel like you need to access everything. Explore what works for your learning style and context.