I can describe the theories and science for understanding pain, one’s response to pain, and impact on one’s life.
- I can explain the biopsychosocial model and its relevance to pain, one’s response to pain, and the impact of pain on one’s life.
- I can explain the physiological process of nociceptive transduction and transmission and its relevance to pain, one’s response to pain, and the impact of pain on one’s life
- I can explain the physiological processes of peripheral and central sensitization and its relevance to pain, one’s response to pain, and the impact of pain on one’s life
- I can explain the physiological process of top-down pain modulation via the descending pain modulation system and its relevance to pain, one’s response to pain, and the impact of pain on one’s life
- I can explain the physiological processes underlying neuropathic pain and its relevance to pain, one’s response to pain, and the impact of pain on one’s life
- I can explain the the physiological relationships between stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, the immune system, and pain, and how the relationships are relevant to understanding pain, one’s response to pain, and impact on one’s life
Mechanisms and Management of Pain for the Physical Therapist by Sluka
Pain: a Textbook for Health Professionals by Van Griensven, Strong, Unruh
Explain Pain 2nd Ed. by Moseley and Butler
Explain Pain Supercharged by Moseley and Butler
ICD-11 Categorizations of Chronic Pain
Osteoarthritis: The Genesis of Pain
Pain and the Neuromatrix in the Brain. By Melzack. J
A Pain Neuromatrix Approach to Patients with Chronic Pain. By Moseley.
Neuropathic pain in osteoarthritis: A review of pathophysiological mechanisms and implications for treatment. By Dimitroulas T, Duarte RV, Behura A, Kitas GD, Raphael JH.
Recognition of central sensitization in patients with musculoskeletal pain: Application of pain neurophysiology in manual therapy practice. By Nijs J, Van Houdenhove B, Oostendorp RAB
Explain Pain by NOI group
Current Concepts in Pain Science by NOI group
Therapeutic Neuroscience Education by Adriaan Louw
Pain Care Yoga by Neil Pearson
The Neuroscience of Sprains, Strains, Pain, and Sports Performance by Adriaan Louw
Key Concepts in Pain Science by Debbie Patterson
TEDxTalk ‘Why Things Hurt by Lorimer Moseley
Empowering Self Management of Pain – by Neil Pearson
BMJ Talk Medicine – Professor Lorimer Moseley on the Brain and Mind in Chronic Pain
Healthy, Wealthy, and Smart
Recovery Strategies Pain Guidebook by Greg Lehman
Recovery Strategies Pain Guidebook (French translation) by Greg Lehman
Chronic Pain Management Toolkit by Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association
Pain – or Disability? by Bronnie Lennox-Thompson
This list is meant to provide you with some options. It is not meant to be fully comprehensive, nor should you feel like you need to access everything. Explore what works for your learning style and context