The Professional Development Tool

Brought to you by the CPA Pain Science Division


The following learning outcomes are based on internationally-endorsed fundamental learning outcomes in the field of pain for pre-licensure physical therapists from the International Association for the Study of Pain. The PSD developed sub-outcomes based on these main outcomes to assist with self-evaluation.

For each learning outcome, reflect and rate yourself on how well you think you achieve that learning outcome. You may choose to record your results in your professional portfolio to track your learning over time.

(tip: save the webpage as a pdf after you've filled it in to keep a record of your results)

1. I can define terminology for describing pain and associated conditions

  1. I can describe common groupings of associated pain conditions (nociceptive, nociplastic, neuropathic)
  2. I can outline diagnostic criteria for common pain conditions (e.g. fibromyalgia, CRPS)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Need help? Check out the resources for learning outcome #1 to get started.

2. I can describe the theories and science for understanding pain, one’s response to pain, and its impact on one’s life.

  1. I can explain the biopsychosocial model and its relevance to pain, one’s response to pain, and the impact of pain on one’s life.
  2. I can explain the physiological process of nociceptive transduction and transmission and its relevance to pain, one’s response to pain, and the impact of pain on one’s life
  3. I can explain the physiological processes of peripheral and central sensitization and its relevance to pain, one’s response to pain, and the impact of pain on one’s life
  4. I can explain the physiological process of top-down pain modulation via the descending pain modulation system and its relevance to pain, one’s response to pain, and the impact of pain on one’s life
  5. I can explain the physiological processes underlying neuropathic pain and its relevance to pain, one’s response to pain, and the impact of pain on one’s life
  6. I can explain the physiological relationships between stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, the immune system, and pain, and how the relationships are relevant to understanding pain, one’s response to pain, and impact on one’s life
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Need help? Check out the resources for learning outcome #2 to get started.

3. I promote health and well-being through the prevention of unnecessary pain and disability, as well as through reducing the impact of pain and disability.

  1. I empower people with pain and encourage self-management
  2. I can describe principles of chronic disease self-management and implement them in practice
  3. I can describe behaviour change theories (e.g. transtheoretical model, social cognitive theory) and practice their applications to patient/client empowerment and self-management support
  4. I recognize and address barriers and facilitators of effective self-management
  5. I recognize and address factors that can reduce injury risk
  6. I can describe and apply health promotion approaches, as articulated in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion: reorienting health services, enhancing personal skills, strengthening community action, creating supportive environments, and building healthy public policy
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Need help? Check out the resources for learning outcome #3 to get started.

4. I can describe, assess and/or measure the biological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to pain, physical dysfunction, and disability using valid and reliable measurement tools.

  1. I am able to describe and identify pain mechanisms through a focused history, screening questionnaires, and sensory testing that could influence pain and disability
  2. I am able to describe and identify potential psychological factors through a focused history, screening questionnaires, and functional/behavioural measures that could influence pain and disability
  3. I use valid and reliable tools for measuring pain, associated symptoms, and function/disability to assess and reassess clinically-relevant outcomes as appropriate for the clinical context and population.
  4. I can explain how comorbidities (medical and psychiatric) contribute to pain, physical dysfunction, and disability
  5. I can describe social determinants of health and their effects on pain and disability
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Need help? Check out the resources for learning outcome #4 to get started.

5. I apply biopsychosocial reasoning to the person-centred comprehensive assessment of people with pain.

  1. I demonstrate empathetic, compassionate, and trauma-informed* communication during pain assessment
  2. I assess client/patient preferences and values to determine pain-related goals and priorities
  3. I communicate diagnoses and prognoses compassionately and effectively
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Need help? Check out the resources for learning outcome #5 to get started.

6. I can identify and describe how cultural, institutional, societal, system, provider, familial, and patient factors can facilitate or interfere with effective pain assessment and management.

    1. I can describe how my organizational, professional, and social culture influences my personal attitudes and beliefs, and how my beliefs may influence pain assessment and management
    2. I can explain how the language used can influence the experience of pain and how past language experiences may factor into catastrophic thoughts/beliefs
    3. I can identify barriers to access to care in my practice context and community
    4. I can describe the concepts of privilege and oppression, and their relationship to health equity, and how they influence effective pain assessment and management
    5. I can reflect on my social location (i.e. my positions of privilege and oppression) and how this could influence my practice
    6. I can describe the tenets of allyship*, and how they relate to my positions of privilege and oppression
    7. I use the principles of practicing allyship to inform my work and advocacy as it relates to effective pain assessment and management
    8. I strive to foster an environment of cultural safety in my practice setting
    Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

    Need help? Check out the resources for learning outcome #6 to get started.

    7. I develop evidence-informed physical therapy management programs in collaboration with clients/patients, directed at modifying pain and encouraging helpful behaviors, promoting tissue healing, preventing the transition from acute to chronic pain, improving function, reducing disability, and facilitating recovery.

      1. I can describe and select physiotherapy interventions that influence physiological processes that may influence pain and disability
      2. I can describe and select physiotherapy interventions that influence psychological processes that may influence pain and disability (acknowledging scope of practice limitations).
      3. I can describe and select physiotherapy interventions that influence social processes that may influence pain and disability (acknowledging scope of practice limitations).
      Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

      Need help? Check out the resources for learning outcome #7 to get started.

      8. I implement management that includes client/patient education, active approaches such as functionally oriented behavioral-movement reeducation approaches and exercise (including pacing), passive approaches such as manual therapy (where indicated and avoiding erroneous and potentially catastrophic rationales such as “realignment,” “stabilizing,” “correcting”), and the application of electro-physical agents as indicated.

        1. I ensure management strategies provide consistent messaging, enhance a person’s understanding of their condition, empower them to self-manage their problem, and allow them to engage in valued activities
        2. I can explain adult learning principles and apply them to client/patient education
        3. I can describe and outline the key content to be covered for effective neurophysiological pain education
        4. I effectively teach clients/patients about pain neurophysiology, tailoring key content as appropriate
        5. I can describe how to incorporate exercise prescription and dosing principles into a physiotherapy management plan for clients/patients living with pain
        6. I effectively implement exercise prescription and functionally oriented behavioural-movement re-education approaches (including pacing) for people living with pain
        7. I can describe breath/body awareness and regulation practices and apply them to the physiotherapy management plan for people living with pain
        8. I can explain potential mechanisms of action behind various treatment approaches, including exercise, behavioural modification, manual therapy, and neurophysiological pain education
        9. I can effectively implement passive approaches such as manual therapy (where indicated and avoiding erroneous and potentially catastrophic rationales such as “realignment,” “stabilizing,” “correcting”), and the application of electrophysical agents as relevant for people living with pain
        10. I recognize how and when to apply these treatments to clients/patients with acute and persistent pain
        Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

        Need help? Check out the resources for learning outcome #8 to get started.

        9. I am aware of my scope of practice with evaluating and managing clients/patients experiencing pain using evidence-informed treatment and management.


        Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

        Need help? Check out the resources for learning outcome #9 to get started.

        10. I can describe the merits of, and strive to participate in, inter-professional collaboration in a client/patient-centred framework.

          1. I can outline non-physiotherapy treatment options for the comprehensive management of pain, including pharmacological, surgical, interventional, social, behavioural, psychological interventions
          2. I can describe the roles and responsibilities of other health care professionals in the comprehensive management of pain
          3. I know the referral processes in my practice setting
          4. I communicate appropriate information to other health care professionals involved in providing client/patient care to enable appropriate and timely collaboration on referral and to optimize interdisciplinary management
          Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

          Need help? Check out the resources for learning outcome #10 to get started.

          11. I recognize individuals who are at risk for under-treatment of their pain or populations where care disparities exist.

            1. I can explain factors associated with under-treatment of pain in my community and practice setting (e.g. socially isolated individuals, cognitively impaired, people with communication difficulties; people with barriers to accessing care such as low education levels, financial barriers, transportation barriers, physical barriers, neonates, children, Indigenous, LGBTQ2S, mental health, other marginalized groups)
            2. I use the measures available to assess and manage pain in neonates, children, adolescents, adults, and older adults with communication barriers
            3. I advocate for individuals who are at-risk for under-treatment of their pain
            Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

            Need help? Check out the resources for learning outcome #11 to get started.

            Congratulations on completing your self-evaluation! Don't forget steps 2, 3, and 4 of using this PD tool:

            Step 2: Based on what you’ve identified above, select one or two learning priorities that you would like to work on over the next year (or three months, six months, etc)
            Step 3: Identify resources that will help you with your learning goals
            Step 4: Re-evaluate and repeat