How To Use This PD Tool
Wondering what this tool is all about? Check out the About this PD Tool page to learn more.
The following are some suggested steps for getting the most out of this PD tool:
Step 1: Identify your existing strengths and areas of improvement
- Visit the Self-Evaluation page
- For each learning outcome, reflect and rate yourself on how well you think you achieve that learning outcome
- You may choose to record your results in your learning portfolio to track your learning over time
Step 2: Based what you've identified in Step 1, select one or two learning priorities that you would like to work on over the next year (or three months, six months, etc)
- Set a SMART goal(s) around your learning priorities. Check out this website for a free SMART goal template
Step 3: Identify resources that will help you with your learning goals
- Visit the Resources page for some sample resources that can help you get started
- Look for other resources, talk with your colleagues, and get learning!
- If you find any resources that are particularly helpful but were not listed on our Resources page, feel free to submit it to us so that others can benefit from it as well
Step 4: Re-evaluate and repeat
- Check in on your goal(s) and repeat steps 1-3 as often as necessary
Please note that this self-directed learning guide is meant to be implemented over years and the lists of resources provided are meant to provide you with some options. These lists are not meant to be fully comprehensive, nor should you feel like you need to access everything. Explore what works for your learning style and context.
How does your College require you to demonstrate continuing competence and professional development? Consider using this PD tool to help you meet some of those requirements.