I implement management that includes client/patient education, active approaches such as functionally oriented behavioral-movement reeducation approaches and exercise (including pacing), passive approaches such as manual therapy (where indicated and avoiding erroneous and potentially catastrophic rationales such as “realignment,” “stabilizing,” “correcting”), and the application of electro-physical agents as indicated.
- I ensure management strategies provide consistent messaging, enhance a person’s understanding of their condition, empower them to self-manage their problem, and allow them to engage in valued activities
- I can explain adult learning principles and apply them to client/patient education
- I can describe and outline the key content to be covered for effective neurophysiological pain education
- I effectively teach clients/patients about pain neurophysiology, tailoring key content as appropriate
- I can describe how to incorporate exercise prescription and dosing principles into a physiotherapy management plan for clients/patients living with pain
- I effectively implement exercise prescription and functionally oriented behavioural-movement re-education approaches (including pacing) for people living with pain
- I can describe breath/body awareness and regulation practices and apply them to the physiotherapy management plan for people living with pain
- I can explain potential mechanisms of action behind various treatment approaches, including exercise, behavioural modification, manual therapy and neurophysiological pain education
- I can effectively implement passive approaches such as manual therapy (where indicated and avoiding erroneous and potentially catastrophic rationales such as “realignment,” “stabilizing,” “correcting”), and the application of electrophysical agents as relevant for people living with pain
- I recognize how and when to apply these treatments to clients/patients with acute and persistent pain
Pain: a Textbook for Health Professionals by van Griensven, Strong, Unruh
Mechanisms and Management of Pain for the Physical Therapist by Sluka
Arthritis: How to Stay Active and Relieve your Pain by Stokes and Helewa
Pain in Practice: Theory and Treatment Strategies for Manual Therapists. by Van Griensven
ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription
Explain Pain Supercharged by Moseley and Butler
Applying Knowles’ Model of Andragogy to Individualized Osteoporosis Education. Steven B C, Davis LA.
Enhanced Therapeutic Alliance Modulates Pain Intensity and Muscle Pain Sensitivity in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain: An Experimental Controlled Study. Fuentes J, Armijo-Olivo S, Funabashi M, Miciak MA, Dick B, Warren S, et al.
A qualitative exploration of people’s experiences of pain neurophysiological education for chronic pain: The importance of relevance for the individual. Robinson V, King R, Ryan CG, Martin DJ.
Reconciling movement and exercise with pain neuroscience education: A case for consistent education. Blickenstaff C, Pearson N.
The clinical application of teaching people about pain. Louw A, Zimney K, O’Hotto C, Hilton S.
The mechanisms of manual therapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain: a comprehensive model. Bialosky JE, Bishop MD, Price DD, Robinson ME, George SZ.
Cognitive functional therapy for the management of low back pain in an adolescent male rower: a case report. Cañeiro JP, Ng L, Burnett A, Campbell A, O’Sullivan PB.
Applying contemporary neuroscience in exercise interventions for chronic spinal pain: treatment protocol. Malfliet A, Kregel J, Meeus M, Cagnie B, Roussel N, Dolphens M, et al.
Exercise for chronic musculoskeletal pain: A biopsychosocial approach. Booth J, Moseley GL, Schiltenwolf M, Cashin A, Davies M, Hübscher M.
Cognitive Functional Therapy: An Integrated Behavioral Approach for the Targeted Management of Disabling Low Back Pain. O’Sullivan PB, Caneiro JP, O’Keeffe M, Smith A, Dankaerts W, Fersum K, et al.
The Shoulder: Complex Doesn’t Have to be Complicated with Adam Meakins
Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP)
NOI group courses: Explain Pain; Graded Motor Imagery; Mobilization of the Nervous system
Therapeutic Neuroscience Education: Teaching People about Pain by Adriaan Louw
Pain Care Yoga by Neil Pearson
Reconciling Biomechanics with Pain Science by Greg Lehman
Pelvic Health Solutions Level III: Clinical Skills for Treating Pain (see calendar for next upcoming course)
Pain Biology Education: Learn, Be Creative & Practice by Debbie Patterson
Pain and Therapeutic Movement: Is a Paradigm Shift Required? – free webinar by Neil Pearson
Chronic Pain Self-Management Support with Pain Science Education and Exercise – free webinar by Jordan Miller
Professor Peter O’Sullivan and Core Stability (11 min video)
Peter O’Sullivan – Pelvic pain: What are the really important factors to address in management? (12.5 min video)
Teaching People about Pain by Adriaan Louw
Therapeutic Neuroscience Education (online version)
APTEI: Applying Neuroplasticity Concepts into PT Practice by Bahram Jam
It’s not about the wand… it’s about all the other marvelous things you do to heal pelvic pain (blog and 25 min vlog)
It’s Time to Demystify Fibromyalgia, Modules 1-3 by Debbie Patterson
Healthy, Wealthy, and Smart – Episode 150: Neil Pearson, PT, MSc Using Movement for Pain Education
Ignite Physio – Episode 30: Laying the Foundation for Integration Pain Neuroscience Education into Clinical Practice (Part 2)
Ignite Physio – Episodes 31 and 32: Pain Neuroscience Education – Practical Perspectives from our Guest Panel (Part 1 and Part 2)
What does best practice patient education look like?
It’s not about the wand… it’s about all the other marvelous things you do to heal pelvic pain
Recovery Strategies Pain Guidebook by Greg Lehman
Recovery Strategies Pain Guidebook (French translation) by Greg Lehman
PSD Blog – We Treat Physiology by Rob Wilcott
PSD Blog – Teaching Adults in Groups: A Teacher’s Perspective by Kathleen Holly-Wilcox
Why does “doing exercise” work?: a blog post by Bronnie Lennox-Thompson
This list is meant to provide you with some options. It is not meant to be fully comprehensive, nor should you feel like you need to access everything. Explore what works for your learning style and context